12er TASTE BOX (12 x 30g)
6 x 2 leckere Sorten zum Probieren

All in One: Genieße unsere fermentierten Früchte pur und in Bio-Schokolade. Die perfekte Kombination!

  • Kein Zucker zugesetzt
  • Gut zum Darm
  • Frei von Sulfiten, Gluten & Laktose

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand

Sofort verfügbar – in 3-6 Tagen bei dir!
Gratis Versand ab € 50

Available Soon

Lime: Bio Limette (97%), Honig (3%).

Orange: Bio Orange (97%), Honig (3%).

Pomelo: Bio Pomelo (97%), Honig (3%).

Limette mit Schoko
Limette (fermentiert in Honig),
Bitterschokolade [(Kakao: 60% mind.) Kakaomasse,
Zucker, Kakaobutter, Emulgator: Lecithine (SOJA),
Vanilleextrakt.], Überzugsmittel: Gummi Arabicum.

Orange mit Schoko
Orange (fermentiert in Honig),
Bitterschokolade [(Kakao: 60% mind.) Kakaomasse,
Zucker, Kakaobutter, Emulgator: Lecithine (SOJA),
Vanilleextrakt.], Überzugsmittel: Gummi Arabicum.

Pomelo mit Schoko
Pomelo (fermentiert in Honig),
Bitterschokolade [(Kakao: 60% mind.) Kakaomasse,
Zucker, Kakaobutter, Emulgator: Lecithine (SOJA),
Vanilleextrakt.], Überzugsmittel: Gummi Arabicum.


Average nutritional values Per 100g Per serving (10g)
Calorific value in kJ/kcal 1344 kJ/321 kcal 134 kJ/32 kcal
Fat 0g 0g
- hereof: saturated fatty acids 0g 0g
Carbohydrates 78g 8g
- of which sugar 58g 6g
protein 1g 0g
Salt 0g 0g


Average nutritional values Per 100g Per serving (10g)
Calorific value in kJ/kcal 1323 kJ/316 kcal 134 kJ/32 kcal
Fat 0.6g 0g
- hereof: saturated fatty acids 0g 0g
Carbohydrates 76g 8g
- of which sugar 61g 6g
protein 1g 0g
Salt 0g 0g


Average nutritional values Per 100g Per serving (10g)
Calorific value in kJ/kcal 669 kJ/160 kcal 67 kJ/16 kcal
Fat 0.6g 0g
- hereof: saturated fatty acids 0g 0g
Carbohydrates 39g 4g
- of which sugar 24g 2g
protein 1g 0g
Salt 0.5g 0g


Limette mit Schoko

Average nutritional values Per 100g Per serving (10g)
Calorific value in kJ/kcal 1890 kJ/454 kcal 189 kJ/45 kcal
Fat 20g 2g
- hereof: saturated fatty acids 12,5g 1,2g
Carbohydrates 61,5g 6,2g
- of which sugar 49g 5g
protein 3,1g 0g
Salt 0g 0g

Orange mit Schoko

Average nutritional values Per 100g Per serving (10g)
Calorific value in kJ/kcal 1456 kJ/350 kcal 146 kJ/35 kcal
Fat 10,4g 1g
- hereof: saturated fatty acids 6,3g 0.6g
Carbohydrates 58,6g 6g
- of which sugar 37,8g 4g
protein 3,6g 0,4g
Salt 0g 0g

Pomelo mit Schoko

Average nutritional values Per 100g Per serving (10g)
Calorific value in kJ/kcal  1456 kJ/350 kcal  146 kJ/35 kcal
Fat  10,4g 1,4g
- hereof: saturated fatty acids 6,3g 0.6g
Carbohydrates 58,6g 6g
- of which sugar 37,8g 4g
protein 3,6g 0,4g
Salt 0g 0g


Why are our fruits black?
Der spezielle Fermentationsprozess veredelt nicht nur den Geschmack der Früchte, sondern auch die Farbe – am Ende des Fermentationsprozesses leuchten die fancy fruits in schwarzem Gold.

Why do I enjoy fermented fruits with skin and hair?
Der einzigartige Fermentationsprozess macht´s möglich: Alle Bestandteile der Frucht – auch Schale und Kerne, in denen Vitamine und Nährstoffe oft in besonders hoher Konzentration gespeichert sind – werden durch die Fermentation leicht verzehrbar und genießbar.

Why are fermented fruits so healthy?
The fancy fruits are not only rich in vitamins and nutrients, they also support intestinal health by supporting the development of "good" intestinal bacteria. In addition, they are easy to digest because part of the work that the intestines would otherwise have to do is already done in the fermentation process.

But be careful: Fermented fruits should be consumed in moderation as they also stimulate digestion. Therefore, stick to the consumption recommendation on the packaging.

How do I best enjoy the fancy fruits?
Our fermented fruits are perfect as a healthy snack between meals. They are also ideal for refining dishes or as a digestif. Discover our Recipes!

Why is it sometimes love at second bite?
Der Fermentationsprozess intensiviert den Geschmack der Früchte – für den westlichen Gaumen ein auf den ersten Biss ungewohntes Geschmackserlebnis.
Take your time and dive deeper into the extraordinary aroma with every bite
or try our chocolate covered fruits.




Organic fruits.
No pesticides. No
fermentation accelerators.



Good bacteria
enjoy a bath in honey
and do the job.

keine sulfiten


What remains is the
purest essence of
the fruit. Yummy. :-)
